0o0hh n0 !!! n0 !!! n0 !!! i luv him s0 much but him ?? he leave me n0w !! he n0t luv me n0w !!! i'm s0 sad !!! he couple with an0ther gurlz ,, but me ?? i still luv him til the end 0f my live ,, syg tetap syg abg ,, 4 ever ,,

Saturday, January 15, 2011

urghh n0 !!!!

     rindu seyh !!! rindu gilerr ,, aq rindu kat sume 0rang ,, rindu sngt2,, ermm,, yupp ,, semestinyerr yg paling aq rindu adelah die ,, miz u ,, i  really2 luv u ,, but why u g0ne fr0m me ?? andai aq bleyy undurkan mase ,, aq x akan sia2 kan mase aq bersama mu syg ,, u r my luv ,, yes ,,u r n0t my first luv but ,, i really luv u m0re than everthing ,, ermm,, tapi sume 2 dah terlambat ,, kiter dah berjauhan syg ,, ja0 cngt ,, kite x mungkin  akan bersama balik ,,  ermm , u r my luv ,, it's 0k if u n0t luv me n0w ,, i kn0w ,, i kn0w its,, huh ,, thnx f0r everthings ~syg~ ,,, syg tetap akan menyayangi abg ,, walaup0n abg bukan milik syg sekarang ,, !!

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