0o0hh n0 !!! n0 !!! n0 !!! i luv him s0 much but him ?? he leave me n0w !! he n0t luv me n0w !!! i'm s0 sad !!! he couple with an0ther gurlz ,, but me ?? i still luv him til the end 0f my live ,, syg tetap syg abg ,, 4 ever ,,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

simple pic !!!!!!


aq x nk atie aq di sakit lg,, aq x nk atie aq di lukerrkan lg,, aq x nk aq dipermaen kan lg,, aq x nk aq ditipu aleyy lelaki lg,, aq x nk chente aq di buang,, aq x nk ,,, aq x nk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plezz d0n't break my heart,, plezzz,,, luv me c0z Allah,, d0 everthing c0z d0sa n pahale,, d0 anythings c0z syurga n neraka,, plezz,,

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